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because life is too short to not spoil yourself or a friend.


brand affiliations + discounts

two week trim, a healthy eating plan

bikini body prep

summer body + soul countdown

original tank tops

At Seashells and Sit Ups, we're proud to partner with some of the top health, fitness, and lifestyle brands worldwide. Even better than trying out all of these products ourselves, is being able to share the perks. Below are Seashells and Sit Ups current brand affiliations and promotions so you can sample or order some of Shelley's favorite products at her personal discount. Enjoy!



  • CHIC BUDS, use code "seashells" for 20% off

  • WITHINGS, use code "Shelley-GN9" for 20% off any Pop, Pulse, Home, or scale + FREE shipping

  • KINI BANDS, shop my exclusive line here use code "seashells" for 15% off ANYTHING on the site

  • BIGR AUDIO, use code "seashells" for 25% off

  • SAND CLOUD, save 25% off your first purchase by clicking here



  • FABFITFUN, use code "SEASHELLS" for $10 off your first box


supplements + workout enhancers



  • ALPNROCK, use code "INSTA20SHELLEY" for 20% off


food + beverage

  • SEALAND  BIRK, use code "bikinibirk" for 10% off order + FREE shipping

  • SQUARE ORGANICS, use code "seashellsandsitups" for 20% off + FREE domestic shipping

  • EARTH SOURCE ORGANICS, use coupon code "seashells" to get 20% off



  • SUPREME SWIMWEAR, use code "seashells" for 15% off



​home + garden





A two-week healthy heating calendar with a grocery list + recipes to get you back on track and feeling beautiful from the inside out!


Purchase here.


A six-week two-part countdown to summer full of heart-opening + soul-enriching daily challenges, paired with daily body-toning movements. The countdown to summer kicks off May 20th and runs 6 weeks. Made for anyone, anywhere, and can be added right alongside your pre-established routine(s). 


Purchase here.

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© 2020, Shelley Hopper

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